Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 18

Try outs for the ABOUT US page

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 16

Lots of progress on the website. Ameer's done a mock up of our home page, and it's looking good so far.

We went to KL on Sunday yet again to get more pictures and record sounds that will be used for the website.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 12

We went to KL again to record sounds and take some more pictures that we needed. Started on the characters and some of the animation as well. Here's a preview of Scabs and Father Cat:

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 8

Ameer's our GPS, but he couldn't make it to KL today. So, we had to find this place (marked in blue) without him:

Looks pretty easy to find. Just need to find HSBC bank and the circle the block on the right and we're bound to find it fast. But it was after ages that we managed to find it. With mamaks set up in every alleyway, it all looked different.

Location pictures to be used for the website:

Need to edit them in better quality for the website though. These I edited just to upload here.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 7

Met up again and finished all our character designs. Cut out images from magazines etc. for our mood boards.

We need to take more pictures of the location of the three environments we are doing, so we have to go to KL again tomorrow.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 6

Discussed about our ideas to present on our next tutorial. Hopefully it'll be approved so that we can start on everything properly without continuing to brainstorm further.

Our initial idea is to create the website for children; for ages under 10. Our main inspiration is taken from how every cat is different. Both in features and character, just like humans. We had gone to three different locations to take pictures, and we took features and characteristics of the different cats in these three areas and incorporated these into our characters for the website. We finished our site map as well. Almost done with writing and sketching down our ideas.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 5

LO-O-NG day of taking pictures at KL. Took a lot more pictures than this, but here are some of them:

I love this video. It's something along the idea we might work towards; cats with human characteristics. Ignore the woman at the beginning...

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day 4

Woke up early to get my essay done as much as possible. But the weather is perfect for me to continue sleeping or go for a walk or anything other than be typing out my essay =(

Tomorrow we're going early to KL to spend the whole day there and take pictures

Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 3

 Extremely friendly stray cat at a park near my apartment.

Been a gloomy, rainy day.

Kind of worried that we won't be able to find as many cats out and about in this rainy weather when we go to take pictures this weekend. But since we're going for the whole day, hopefully we could find enough of them.

I am almost a complete failure when it comes to multi-tasking. I can't concentrate on one thing without worrying about the other. The best i can do at multi-tasking is probably to eat, drink, listen to music and be doing whatever i'm doing. With our essay draft due Tuesday, i'll have to try to forget that we even have a project to do as well. 

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 2

We met up for lunch and brainstormed on the subject to focus on for the project.

Tutorial with Ms TY and decided to choose to do on stray cats.

We discussed further on the subject and planned a time table to get our initial research, photographs, moodboards etc. that needs to be done.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 1

Briefing for the project.
Division of groups.

I'm in group Gee and consists of Ameer, Eliot, Jasmin and myself.

Lecture by Mr Sean.

Below are my all time favourite interactive websites. Will probably look for new websites when its not 2 am and tired from just cleaning the whole apartment.

Fun and gets me in a hyper fit every time. Informative and learned a lot from here.

Now, who could hate this guy. Not that interactive, but click on each page link and LOL at the random stuff the virtual Mraz says. You should also follow his blog religiously like i do.